
Secret 1

Winnerteam will promote a conversation strategy, who says: We accept you as you are!

The weirdos

Weird people think others are “weird”.
They dress differently.
They speak differently.
They think differently.
They smell different.

This is how people can be experienced if we only see and hear and smell what we are experiencing now. This is how the “strange” are superficially considered and described. There is, however, another story, similar to a “kinder egg” with new and new revelations, or new and new stories in history. It can all be seen as one. -The whole thing can be seen as a funnel filled with “strange” genetic grains of sand.

At the very top there is room for thousands and millions and billions of different varieties, honed and processed over thousands of years.
Further down the tract, there is less and less space and fewer and fewer inequalities.

Yes, the truth is that the further down we go, the fewer the grains of sand and what they represent of genetics and behavior and values.
Management as a profession in a global world with different horizons under the same sky, therefore becomes seeing and sensing the real and the fundamental in a process towards common goals.

agree? / disagree?

SGL- experiences

Secret 2

Your leadership reflects
your quality of life

Most people have left footprints in damp sand and seen how the weather and wind hide everything after a while. Young and “weird” leaders think the same thing happens in our lives. But that’s a lie!
Life remembers our footsteps and our footprints in the lives of others. Sometimes to joy and inspiration, other times to pain and despair. – Therefore:

Be aware!
Be aware of How Your life creates joy, memories and wounds
that will never be erased.
Be aware of Why your footprints
will live in other people’s lives.
Be aware of What you can do to creates joy, memories and strength that never will be erased.
Be aware of your footprints.

agree? / disagree?


Secret 3

is by all means
to realize
a vision of humanity

The values of life / The dance of life

Outside the Casino in Estoril, Portugal, I found a marble sculpture that said more than 1000 words.
The sculpture was placed without a plinth at street level, which reinforced the attraction and power of carved marble.
People passing, by stop to watch.
Children climb in to find a place. 
Everyone knows something which they recognize.

The sculpture’s message echoes in our souls. I asked myself.
What does the sculpture remind me of?
Why does it touch me? What associations emerge?
Here everyone can answer for themselves, but for me the following values came: Openness – Security – Love. – I took a picture and made a collage that I wanted to share with my readers.

Do you want to know your basic values?


Secret 4

Ethics is to fulfill norms and community values which must be complied to achieve what we want

Human desire

Human desire is the driver of human existence. The desire/need for basic goods such as water and food, warmth and protection, relationships and things, power and wealth. – That is why it says in the ancient Law of Moses from Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 5,21) that you “should not desire your neighbor’s wife, or your neighbor’s house or land, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.” – In order to control “desire”, man is from the beginning equipped with an “inner voice” or what we call “conscience” –  The interaction of different voices of conscience in turn created different ethical models to deal with the difficult challenges on a higher level, while common sense and different forms of religious life created moral rules for human interaction and development. All of it – for hundreds of years, surrounded by national and international legislation that was supposed to promote and protect the community’s interests.


In this diversity of voices, ethics, morality and law, a leader must show the way towards common goals and success. Skilled people want to achieve a lot,
but far too many do not anchor their ambitions
in their own values ​​and in their own self.
Then what happens which according to old wisdom is described as:

“Up like a lion, and down like a skink.”
Because: “A tree that wants to grow high
must grow deep”.

The egg as a symbol and as an illustration tells step by
step about how the external process at all times
must be anchored in a corresponding internal process.


SGL- and the school of life

Secret 5

Competence is 50 % knowledge pluss 50 % learning in the school of life.

The journey

Competence is more than certificates and exam results. Competence is the sum of what you have learned and experienced in your life, – The path to competence and wisdom is usually different from the path to status and money.
Some people get it. Others have to face the “wall” to correct their course. – The school of life is a journey, tough as black night, but those who walk the path become light bearers for the world, both as Nobel Peace Prize winners and as examples for “most people”.

We find the secret behind the successful winners in the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. ( Genesis 37 ) – We hardly know if he lived – or if the whole narrative is an iconic example across time and space. – But by following Joseph’s story step by step, and comparing it with your own upbringing and your own life phases, – you get a unique confirmation of the “curriculum” in the school of life.

Perhaps you have done your points. –  Check out!