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Writer & web editor: Jan P. Hagberg. / Technically responsible: Aleksander Kristian Weseth

Results: Page 8 /-Trippel-T-Test

SGL: work enviroment Facts

Hagberg in the magazine “Ledelse”. – “Letting talented employees rot in the mud!”.

Secret: 8

You belongs to a Potensial team when The members want, but still need to Establish collective accountability.

BORING meetings?

Have you ever sat in a meeting, feeling time slowly slippHing away, grain by grain, like sand in an hourglass? – Or if you follow the meeting online and start doing other things outside the camera angle. – Asked yourself: “Why am I so bored?”
That’s a great question – and you’re definitely not alone. Chances are, both you and your colleagues are out of sync with the leadership culture. Maybe the team’s competence is higher than the leadership level, or perhaps the tasks at hand require fresh approaches instead of outdated routines.
So, ask yourself: Am I in the wrong meeting? Or is the meeting leadership completely missing the mark?


Let’s break it down. Does the meeting agenda make no sense to you? Maybe it’s because you’re a creative soul who thrives on brainstorming, but you’ve been pulled into operational meetings filled with numbers, reports, and procedures.
That’s like trying to paint a masterpiece with a calculator.
Or the opposite: If your job is all about delivering clear, measurable results, – finding yourselves sitting through endless discussions and “loose ideas”  – you can feel both frustrating and chaotic!


Some leaders, but not all, understand that different meeting requests require different languages ​​to achieve what you want.

  • Operational meetings with reporting, status and actions require blue language.

  • Strategy meetings for brainstorming, creative solutions and new initiatives require red communication.

  • Change and development days for evaluations, learning and improvements require a safe yellow  atmosphere.

SGL: Let “The Trippel-Test” mirror the fact. 
Potential teams always require explanations of WHAT they need to do
in order to change work routines.

Secret 8 – The Interaction Between Actions and Value Creation

  • LESSON 8,1 – Use the staircase model i SGL to raise awareness of the interaction between work and products and the connections between the environment and value creation.

  • LESSON 8,2 – Let a potensial team, shows how tasks, – influence both the level of communication and the work processes.

  • LESSON 8,3 – Let the Trippel-T-Test mirror the facts of the connection between the working environment and value creation.

Secret: 8 / In potensial teams - "When the manger is empty, the horses bite".

Next: The winner-prosess ….

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