Results Pages 6-10 will explore “Games People Play” using the four basic roles of the chess game – Pawn, Rook, Bishop and Knight – as models for our genetic relationship roles. These roles are symbolized through the colors yellow, blue, red and purple. We will then examine and show HOW these roles are developed and used in different arenas according to: Winning Team, Personal Chemistry, Work Environment, Group Growth and Project Management.
However, the secret behind successful teams and work environments is to make both one’s own and others’ chess roles visible. This makes it possible to interact in a way that creates a “best-together” environment.
The path there includes The Triple Test, which describes the work environment as ordinary / average or good. Based on the results of the test, those in great need or those who want to achieve more can choose our recommended group processes, step by step. With these tools, the path is short to becoming the self-leader of the year, or the best project team in their field.