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Writer & web editor: Jan P. Hagberg. / Technically responsible: Aleksander Kristian Weseth


SGL- in short

3 Pages

SGL is an enduring tool for managing knowledge.
Stories like Joseph and his brothers in the Book of Genesis and chess secrets from Indian Vedic culture showcase important models for our understanding of “silent knowledge”.
In modern times, we learn from greek philosophers about democracy, free speech, and the ways of mentoring.
From the beginning of our time, we learn how the early group of Jesus provide narratives and dynamic group processes for a winner team.
The common theme – however,  is the spiritual care found in centuries of Christian traditions through confession, discussions, and personal growth. – In all our SGL programs, we highlight these key values and insights, asking:

Can you accept,
that you are accepted as you are? 
– in order to be WHO you are!”

SGL Roots

3 Pages

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Read about us

The story The author The clients

SGL Focus

Pages: 1-5

Focus Pages 1-5 will help you to see WHAT is the obvious in yourself and others in five important life and work arenas. This applies to areas such as communication, work, organizational cultures, decision-making ability and your own and others’ quality of life.

Through simple symbols, the obvious is conveyed, while the colors tell about what is happening, or not happening in relation to what you want to achieve. – This is how you gain new insight and a deeper understanding of your own self-leadership situation.

The secret of the SGL methodology, however, is the color language in the communication blink. Here it is important to understand and remember the signal colors: Blue, Red, Yellow and Purple. – If you manage to learn the “secrets” and remember the codes, the road to SGL-Leadership is very short.

Results Pages 6-10 will explore “Games People Play” using the four basic roles of the chess game – Pawn, Rook, Bishop and Knight – as models for our genetic relationship roles. These roles are symbolized through the colors yellow, blue, red and purple. We will then examine and show HOW these roles are developed and used in different arenas according to: Winning Team, Personal Chemistry, Work Environment, Group Growth and Project Management.

However, the secret behind successful teams and work environments is to make both one’s own and others’ chess roles visible. This makes it possible to interact in a way that creates a “best-together” environment.
The path there includes The Triple Test, which describes the work environment as ordinary / average or good. Based on the results of the test, those in great need or those who want to achieve more can choose our recommended group processes, step by step. With these tools, the path is short to becoming the self-leader of the year, or the best project team in their field.

SGL Values

Pages: 11-15

Test 1, 2, 3, 4

Values ​​Page 11- 15 guides us to our inner world of images, feelings, experiences and ideas that characterize our external actions and lives every single day and every single moment.

WHY it is like this we do not know everything about, but we can discover something by making the unconscious conscious, and the hidden visible through a deep dive into our own personality.
SGL  tells you WHY Gestalt therapy techniques show you the way to your “silent knowledge” that trickles out when you listen to your own body and your own inner universe.

If you join the journey, you will get to know your ethical and natural core values, your potential in self-management and leadership and your “silent knowledge” from the hard school of life.
Because our experience is:
“No one reaches higher in their leadership, than you are willing to go into yourself!”


Pages: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4

SGL operates with four different test forms.

1.        Meeting observation ( MASK) regarding the communication level in the Management Group.

2.        Competency check regarding the leadership level in the middle management group.

3.        Environmental survey with: The-Trippel-Test (TTT) for the majority of all employees.

4.        Random tests with questionnaires to reflect the organization’s structure and cultural values.

The tests can be carried out individually, or as a mini-project to find the “starting temperature” before planned changes, or as a main project to indicate the expected organizational level before important deliveries, sales or acquisitions.

Interested in trial testing?

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SGL has a long and active history with an extensive library of books, articles and support material. – In short blog posts, we share some of the secrets bit by bit.Follow along and become a contact and contributer.