Jan Petrus Hagberg began his leadership career as a patrol leader in the YMCA scouts. An important milestone as a youth leader was the YMCA World Conference in Paris in 1955, where Hagberg was a youth delegate. It was here that he became interested in theology. 11 years after he took the theological master degree / University in Oslo ( UiO) in 1967 and was then a naval chaplain in Ramsund . Hagberg then worked as an editor and youth pastor in Norway’s Christian Youth Association / YMCA – and later as a trustee/vice-president in the European YMCA. Hagberg was substitute priest on Svalbard in 1970/71 and head of the hospital chaplaincy service at the University Hospital in Tromsø 1971-1976 before he become student priest at the University of Oslo in 1976. From 1983 he was resident chaplain in Oslo Cathedral. and from 1987 – 1989 prosject garantee in LoR / The Norwegian Leadership Development Council – which was the beginning of his coaching career in the norwegian public and private sectors.
In the late 1980s, Hagberg began working with management development and Coach for larger Norwegian companies. – As a management developer, Hagberg has, among other things, been responsible for the development of the communication tool SGL (Supervisison, Growth Groups and Leadership). [ 4 ] SGL uses, among other things, a color language to describe communication. [ 5 ]
Hagberg has published a number of books, including DEATH without a sting (1977), IN THE SAME BOAT (1980) and GODTATT av bare nåde /Accepted by grace alone (1982). In 2008, he came to the fore with the book “A year in Ellen`s life, – about dyslexia and the third eye.” , which was about the experiences of union representative and employee Ellen Strøm in the Dyslexia Association . [ 6
As an eighty-year-old, he published the book: “With the sky as a roof and nature as an altarpiece” Petrus Publishing House 2019) about the nature’s cathedral on Sangefjell in Hallingdal. (www.naturkatedralen.no) – The purpose of the book was to tell about the Natural Cathedral’s rich symbolism, form and message for a new generation of cabin owners in Øvre Hallingdal. The Natural Cathedral, which was begun in 1987 and consecrated and blessed by Bishop Sigurd Osberg in 2001, was created on a plot of land given by the landowner Torstein Breie. At the head of the project were Hagberg and a few other enthusiasts and cabin owners on Sangefjell.
Hagberg is a member of the Norwegian Nonfiction Authors’ Association / NFF, and The Norwegian Priest Association / PF
In 2006, Hagberg began his commuting life between Norway and Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil, by establishing his company Casa Creativa Brasil in Natal. – However, the business did not take off, and 2016, Hagberg moved to Portugal with his Brazilian family – as commutes, to be able to continue as Coach and CEO for Kreativitetshuset as / Norway. In 2018, he co-founded The Norwegian Club Portugal ( Clube Noruegues em Portugal ), and at the same time became the club’s president for the first four years. With support from EEA-Grants, he led the project “info-BANK” 2020 – 2022, the purpose of which was to create an immigrant lexicon for Norwegian “residencia” in Portugal.
Death – without a sting: About grief work and euthanasia . Country and Church/ Gyldendal Publishing House, 1977 (revised edition 1980)
In the same boat: On group growth and personal development Country and Church/Gyldendal Publishing House, 1980
Accepted by only grace Land and Church/Gyldendal Publishing House, 1982
When Life Bleeds: Sketches of Pain, Despair, Growth and Hope . Luther Publishing House, 1985
SGL – for Interaction – Group Growth and Management.- Competenza Publishing House 1998
A year in Ellen’s life: About bullying, dyslexia and “the third eye” Kolofon Publishing House, 2008
The natural Cathedral at Sangefjell. – Petrus Publishing House / 2019
www.SGL-Leadership.com – Hagberg start up publishing – for free use – his thoughts and experiences and models for management and leadership development / 2024