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Writer & web editor: Jan P. Hagberg. / Technically responsible: Aleksander Kristian Weseth

Results: Page 7 / Personal Chemistry

SGL:Color energy

Secret: 7

You belong to a Working Group "when Responsibilities, goals and products still Belongs to the individuals".

Role Models in Genetics

“The key to the ancient secrets becomes clear once you begin to see them. It’s about inheritance and environment, which until recently were viewed as a 50/50 chance. However, the growing exploration of the significance of genetics and life conditions is transforming our understanding. To our surprise, we are uncovering hidden insights in ancient wisdom that we have long overlooked. This has profound implications for our perception of who we are and why we become who we become. It also reshapes our view of class differences and class struggle, along with our ability to create a ‘paradise’ on earth.

In short, the concept of ‘destiny’ is once again relevant as an explanation for who we are. But let us not lose hope. Even if you were conceived and born with certain traits beyond your control, –

YOU still have the opportunity to become the best version of yourself. That is the essence of these secrets:
Be who YOU are!
To truly develop yourself, you must first know yourself before you can influence and shape others. So, let us begin by exploring the ancient stories to understand what they reveal about our lives, here and now.”

secrets of Chess

There is something archetypal about the game of chess. This means that it has engaged and continues to engage Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and atheists worldwide. The whole thing is a mystery unless one seeks the ‘history within history’ of its success – why is it so? The connections to India and Hindu culture are well known. Most now acknowledge that chess can be traced back to India around 500 AD or at the same time as the Tantra movement in the Hindu religion. This phenomenon was made very clear in the logo of the Chess World Championship in London in the fall of 2018, where the chessboard was integrated into a typical tantra position, to the delight of many and the outrage of others.
Think of chess pieces as symbols of who you are. Your personality, which is how you usually act, feel, and think, is mostly due to your genes from your family. These genes are chosen randomly when your mom and dad had you. Your interests and talents are also due to these genes when you were just a fetus. Imagine life as a game of chess, what if you behaved or thought like a particular chess piece? Let’s explore this SGL-idea some more.

SGL:The members of working group (body) 
can be very dedicated to their particular skills or profession, 
but they still do not see WHY they should become a team,
in order to deliver collective performance on a higher level.

Secret: 7-
Reflecting Reality

  • LESSON 7,1 – Give you the key to understand why personal chemistry favors some and  dislike others.

  • LESSON 7,2 – Explain why working groups that mostly function as payroll offices for a group of employees, require simpler work tasks.

  • LESSON 7,3 – Provide concrete examples of good and bad leadership teams, based on color energy and SGL analysis.


Secret: 7 / In Working groups "crow seeks mate!"

7-The Color Energy

Next: The -Trippel -Test….

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